Positioning GUI.Button just next to GUI.Label for any text length

Hello everyOne!
I need to display a text and a button next to it.
I might send the GUI.Label text dynamically and don’t know the accurate size.
For now I have placed the label at 0 with a padding, and the button far away at Screen.width/2 , so that for a long word/words they don’t override each other.
Of course both have same height…
Is there a method that I can place the button just after the GUI.Label, and I seperate them with only padding.
thanks in advance

You could try to get your labelText.Length, but I think CalcSize works out better in the end. If you happen to have a background box behind your label, CalcSize will keep the length accurate even if certain characters take more space than others. Below is a quick example:

public string labelTextHere = "Edit in Inspector";
private int leftPosition = Screen.width / 2;
private int topPosition = Screen.height / 2;
private int boxHeight = 20;
private float newBoxWidth;
private GUIStyle myStyle = new GUIStyle();
Vector2 sizeOfLabel;

void Start() {
	myStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
	//any other styles

void OnGUI() {

    //Calculates the size of your label text with myStyle
	sizeOfLabel = myStyle.CalcSize(new GUIContent(labelTextHere));

    //sizeOfLabel.x will get the length. +6 can be adjusted for padding	
	newBoxWidth = sizeOfLabel.x + 6;					

	//The background box behind the label, just for the example.
	GUI.Box(new Rect(leftPosition - newBoxWidth / 2, topPosition + 15, newBoxWidth, boxHeight), "");
	//The label text, this example is centered
	GUI.Label(new Rect(leftPosition - newBoxWidth / 2, topPosition + 15, newBoxWidth, boxHeight), labelTextHere, myStyle);

	//The button, drawn to the right of wherever the label ends.
	GUI.Button(new Rect(leftPosition + newBoxWidth / 2, topPosition + 15, 25, boxHeight), "");

I think these days this is the better answer: