Possibility of bringing interop from C# ecosystem into unity

  • Xamarin binding is great library to write android/ios
  • Microsoft.JSInterop is also very convenient library for doing webgl
  • Razor or UWP as UI canvas system

Are there any plan or possibility to bring those into unity in any way?

Unfortunately, to my knowledge, there is no plan.

More specifically, I don’t think that Xamarin bindings are expecting to work outside of a Xamarin deployment project/setup. I know for example that CoreCLR was not supporting many binding scenarios that Xamarin was using (e.g for ObjectiveC). It is being worked out but there are still some gaps.

For Microsoft.JSInterop, I don’t know well this part, but in similar way to Xamarin, I believe this assembly is specific to the way Microsoft/Razor is interopping with WebGL. I don’t know if we could reuse this in the future. Maybe @jukka_j could shed some lights on this topic.

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