Returning from a recent vacation I decided to take a look at data collected using Unity Analytics for a few internally user tests of our upcoming shooter game.
Specifically I wanted to look at a Custom Event named CompletedAreaWithSetupItem which tracks what items the player completes a level with along with some additional meta information. The type of item is tracked by a string parameter named ItemType.
Now, the data shown in the graphs appear to differ based on the start date of the interval selected. This means that some data seem to disappear as I widen the interval - Something I haven’t been able to come up with a logical reason for so far.
Perhaps it is best explained by looking at screenshots:
April 3th to 21th, April 4th to 21th, April 5th to 21th
I guess it could be “by design” as I sometimes see other bug reports marked as by Unity
- However if that is indeed the case, then I would argue that the design is somewhat illogical…
I am very interested in seeing this fixed/explained as I still hope to use Unity Analytics to learn how to improve our game.
- Scarzzurs