Given that I have a gameobject, can I get a reference to the prefab that I used to Instantiate it?
Currently, I create a variable in the newly Instantiated gameobject to store its prefab. I’m hoping Unity does this already and I can use that and clean up my code a bit.
Public GameObject MyPrefab; // reference to the prefab. Drag your prefab onto this in the inspector
private GameObject myPrefabInstance;
void Example()
myPrefabInstance = Instantiate(MyPrefab); // Instances the prefab and stores a reference to the instance in myPrefabInstance
Destroy(myPrefabInstance); // Destroys the instance of the prefab
Not sure if thats the kind of thing you were looking for!
Yeah, that’s the type of thing I have going, but I was just wondering if there was some native Unity functionality that I was overlooking. I guess not. Thanks tho.
I think another way is to have your prefabs in a “Resources” folder and look them up that way. From what I read its more expensive although I havent really looked into it.