Possible to synchorise video with external sounds?


I have just started to learn unity for my experiment and am looking for a solution to play video with external sounds. The video will be presented using unity but the sounds will be presented via 8 loudspeakers - I am wondering if it is possible to synchorise the video with external sounds.

Thank you in advance for your time.

So if I understand well you want to play a video with unity and play the audio on it from your computer ?

So yes you can synchronise your video with one or multiple external sound but I just don’t understand the “8 loudspeakers” part, do you want to play an audio on each different speaker or just one audio on all of them, can you be more precise ?

Thanks for your reply.

Sounds promising. Yes, I will play sounds using multiple loudspeakers from my computer - my colleague recorded sounds using a soundfield microphone and it will be presented using 8 loudspeakers.

Do you know how the video can be synchronised with external signals?

Ok, so since you have recorded audio and save it as mp3 file (I guess) you can simply import them in unity in your Assets folder (just create a new folder inside call for exemple “Audio” and drag all of them inside).

For the synchronice part I’m gonna give you an exemple on how to synchronice a single audio file and a video (I guess the video doesn’t have sound).
So you probably already add a videoplayer inside your scene and feed the video source with your video file, I also guess that you already have create a script that call a “videoplayer.Prepare()” (if not you need to make one or the audio may play before the actual video start).

Then you just simply need to add an audio source to your video player and set the “audioclip” with one of your audio file and inside your video script call “audioSource.Play()” right after the “videoPlayer.Play()”.

Doing that should have synchronice your audio and your video this may change on how you manage your video but the principe is the same.
To manage multiple audio with one video you will need an array to store every audio clip and play them on the right timing.

I hope that will help you.