Post a memorable unity moment

I just spent the last hour trying to fix an OnCollisionEnter problem . Turns out I spelt it OnCollisonEnter rather than OnCollisionEnter . Fucks sake :cry:

Do you guys have memorable moments from working with Unity ? Good or Bad

  • Snake

It gets easier when you learn what the red error messages mean :wink:

I donā€™t think that OnCollisonEnter results in a compiler error :wink:

So I read this todayā€¦

And then I realized - my head hurts!

Looking at Dark City for the first time in Unity. Socks blown off. I am a big fan of Manufactura K4ā€™s works on the Asset Store

Experiencing such quick iteration and rapid development in Unity was a great feeling too

I wonder why isnā€™t that a function in the base class to override. You can easily misspell the function name and it will compile just fine.

When I submitted my first asset to the asset store and then realized that you can actually make money here.

For me it positive, the enjoyment of being able to put something I made onto the appstore.

I code with unity cause I enjoy it.

I often code sometimes for a long time without testing anything while building out some or other logic with many classes and then afterwards when running for the first time just fixing the few error messages you get due to coding for a long while without testing ā€¦ normally works out pretty wellā€¦ until one day

I wrote a whole heap of code and when testing for the first time, it instantly crashed unity. So debugging consisted of many iterations of opening , editing , crashing , repeat ā€¦ until I found the culprit - a infinite while loop - good times!

Spending a whole Saturday chasing a System.OutOfMemoryException only to find Iā€™d forgotten to add +4 to a line. -_- site goes blank.

Itā€™s interesting that itā€™s neither an abstract or virtual. Causes me to ponder what goes on behind the scenes in the engine.

Youā€™ve heard of Visual Studio and Intellisense right?

I was sweating bullets after submitting my first app to iOS, after reading other peopleā€™s experiences about rejection. It passed first try + first update and I was using unity 4.1.5 which I heard was a problem.

Hey, I can remember ā€œmesh leafā€ not working in tree creator :smile:. And monodevelop taking almost one giga ram once upon a time, even though it was just several thousands line of code.

That time I deleted the cache folder (in free version of 3ā€¦ so no metas etc)

that was fun.

Or that time you delete the folder knowing you have everything backed up in source control, but then you realise you didnā€™t have meta files turned on in the project when you restore.

Finding out totally by accident that one of my asset store assets had been put on a daily deal sale and had already sold like 50x as many copies as the previous month :wink:

When i got this error a while back ago trying to make my first mechanim anims work :

I couldnā€™t stop laughing after seeing that one !