Post processing component adds pixel noise on enable.

Hello, i have a problem with post-processing v2 (ver. 2.1.7, unity 2019.2.10, 2d project). When i enable post processing layer on camera (checked this on personal and clean projects, without any volume) the image appears pixelated (not clean, like some pixel noise). This noise is moving on play. It’s not clearly visible, but it’s there. Noticed it cause my gif record with same dimensions grew 5 - 10 times. Maybe miss some settings? Tried lwrp with same results

clean (without post processing enabled):

pixelated (with post processing enabled):

Agreed, there’s some pixel noise generated that dissapear as soon as I disable.

Here’s with Post processing layer Disabled:
5195630--516485--Post Process Layer OFF.png

And here’s how it looks with the post processing layer enabled:
5195630--516488--Post Process Layer ON.png

Since it may be hard to see in some monitors, I’ve converted the image to black and white and increased contrast by 35%:
5195630--516491--Post Process Layer ON - BW 35Contrast.png

Also I’ve used the 2D Pixel Perfect Camera package so pixels could be seen bigger (they are also visible if you zoom the game view with a resolution such as 720p).

It’s something similar to TV Signal noise. Out of Play mode the pixels are static unless you change something through Unity editor.

It’s Unity’s “magic dither” that does that, whether you like it to or not AFAIK. Hurts performance on low-end mobile as well. Only way I know to get rid of it is to manually edit it out of Unity’s uber pass.