I downloaded post-processing assets, but it generates many-many errors in files. Typical error in a file like below
The errors in this file:
Assets/PostProcessing/Editor/Models/AmbientOcclusionModelEditor.cs(7,6): error CS1502: The best overloaded method match for `UnityEditor.PostProcessing.PostProcessingModelEditorAttribute.PostProcessingModelEditorAttribute(Type, bool)’ has some invalid arguments
Assets/PostProcessing/Editor/Models/AmbientOcclusionModelEditor.cs(7,32): error CS1503: Argument #1' cannot convert
System.Type’ expression to type `Type’
If I comment out line 7 the errors disappear but the Post-processing window in the inspector menu will be empty. What kind of these errors?
Almost forget: I have to use Unity 2017.1.f1 in this project, because I wrote it in javascript and this is why I cannot upgrade.
It works if the project is empty, but generates errors if I import my (well-working) project.
Any help would be great!