Post-Processing layer for only one camera or even one object? (2D, non-global)

Hi there!

I’ve just started using the post-processing layers and volumes and I can’t get my head around them fully - the documentation doesn’t fully describe how to use them for beginners.

I have the game displayed on one camera, and the UI displayed on another. I have the layer set up on my UI camera like this:

I want to blur the background when I pause the game, so on my background panel object, I have the volume set up as such:

This doesn’t seem to have any effect - the only way it has an effect is if ‘Is Global’ is ticked - but then this affects the whole scene. I only want it to affect the background panel. How do I do this? I’ve been searching and searching but I can’t find anything for the new updated system!

Many thanks!

(Sorry if this is the wrong section)

If you just want to blur an UI panel, perhaps using the following package proves useful:

I was trying to avoid using any standalone scripts or other plug-ins and was just trying to do it in Unity’s post-processing system - using other scripts will be my last resort if no one else knows, but thank you!

I don’t have Unity in front of me to test, but I’m pretty sure what you’d do is create a separate post processing volume for your UI with its own post process profile. You put this post processing volume component on its own gameobject, and assign the layer for the gameobject to the UI layer. In the post process layer script attached to your UI camera, you would also select the same UI layer. On the post process layer script attached to your main camera, you would want to not include the UI layer. That way the post processing will be separate for your UI camera than it is for your main camera.

It would be helpful if the documentation spelled it out, but I’m pretty sure that is how I separated post processing for my game play cameras from how I wanted to post process my minimap camera, so I would think it would work the same to separate your UI camera.