Post Processing Stack Script error

Hey! I’m still rather new to Unity (running latest version).

I have a problem with the Post Processing Stack. I’d love to use the features there, and in fact need them for my project. (Dark scene, neon lights).

When I search for the Post Processing Layer, Behaviour, or just write in Post in the component searchbar I get no results.

I have had no luck trying to combat this by searching the internet for hours upon hours. I’ve already tried the following:

  • Restart Unity
  • Restart PC
  • Remove and Re-import PPS
  • Make a new project and import PPS from start
  • Re-format entire PC (delete everything, fresh template, re-install unity here as well).

I’ve had no luck. All the guides I’m following are all using this very easily. Import → add component. But I just can’t find the component no matter what I do. I’m lost!

Any idea what I can do, so that I can get my game to look like it’s supposed to?

Best regards.

Did you add the PPS to your project within the package manager?

Yes I also did that. I can find the behaviour scripts when searching for their names in the Projects search bar.

When trying to add it to the inspector (camera selected ofc) it gives me the error sayig “please fix compile errors before creating new script”.

Which I guess is this? (see attached photo).

I’m getting this same error on old projects, in completely new and empty projects, before formatting, after formatting etc etc.

Looks like you ended up with two versions of MinAttribute in your project? Maybe you have two versions of the Post Processing stack. Did you import the Post Processing stack from both the Asset Store, and also the package manager? If so, delete the one from the Asset Store, because that will be the older (before Unity2018) version.

I’ve obviously tried to import from both the manager & the actual asset store. But I’ve come across this bug in totally new project files where i just imported one of them, etc.

But if there’s two of the MinAttribute, where would I go to delete one of them, or check if there’s two? (sorry, new to unity!)

So, the package manager seems to be using v2 of the Post Processing Stack which documentation for it is here

It has different components than the older version. In an empty project when you import the package manager version and try to add, you don’t see any of the post-process scripts?


Unfortunately no. I can’t find any of those things when I search. And I am using the most up to date version of unity & the PPS from the package manager.

I am having this same issue with my team. We needed to upgrade our build because of some of our assets, and now post processing will not work at all with Unity. New projects, nothing.