Post Processing stops working after scene load

I have a VR project with a PPSv2 volume affecting the player “eye” and a second volume affecting a spectator camera. The player “eye” is an object that lives in each scene, so it doesn’t survive scene loads, but my spectator camera is marked with DontDestroyOnLoad() and thus lives through scene loads. The spectator camera’s post processing volume lives with it, so it isn’t being destroyed either.

The problem is that whenever a new scene loads, the spectator camera stops rendering with post processing. I have to manually click to disable the post processing volume and then re-enable it again (either the GameObject or the Post-process Volume component itself). This gets it working again until the next scene load. I finally just worked around it by writing a script that I attached to the volume’s parent GO that detects scene load and just disables and immediately re-enables the volume’s GO.

But it doesn’t seem like I should have to do this and it seems like a bug. Does anyone else know about this, whether it is intended behavior, or should I report it as a bug?

same here, i have a gameobject with a volume which gives a bloom I just added an extra script to it hooking up that volume and it turning off-on on start

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;

public class resetvolume : MonoBehaviour
    public Volume V;   
    void Start(){
        V.enabled = false;
        V.enabled = true;

Did you ever figure this out?

You need to bake lightmaps on all yours scenes (Window → Rendering → Lighting)