Post Processing v2 make the effect visible only on certain layer objects

I have a model right on top of my camera, which blocks the sight. I want to make it blurry with depth of field post processing effect, leaving rest of the view unaffected. Is it possible to do with post processing v2 or is using a shader the only way?
I have the layering set correctly, though the post processing affects the whole screen instead of just that model.

Short answer: no. Post Process has no information of layers when operating and applies to all objects the camera sees.

Long answer: You can probably build a trick by rendering multiple cameras (one with the foreground object and one for the rest) and do yourself the blurring and blending.
But this is not really a post process anymore.

If anyone Googles this and has the same issue, I recommend using CommandBuffers. They will enable you to render an object after the post-process passes have taken place.