Post Processing with multiple cameras is currently very problematic

I really need to apply Post Processing to different layers/cameras/objects. Why is Post Processing even a available when this is not possible? Who wants to apply color grading also to the UI??


Could you update the comparison tables?


Adding my reply here to make it known we still want Post Processing composition for URP.

ā€¦ which I made the mistake of assuming was an already built-in feature.



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Iā€™m using split screen, with 2 cameras, will this also apply in my case?

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If both sides of the screen have only one camera with no camera overlaying/stacking then you should be fine, although iā€™ve no idea how PPV deals with viewport rect, which iā€™ll assume youā€™re using. And if you want different effects or no effects for the GUI then youā€™re out of luck :confused:


Same problemā€¦ another rake (


Hey all, in trying to upgrade my own project (which successfully used stacked cams with post-pro on different ones) Iā€™ve run into this same error so came across this thread.

What are the main effects everyone is using in scenarios like this? IE: Bloom, color correction, ? May look at building this functionality into my own postpro seeing as itā€™ll probably take Unity another 12 months as per usual.

For those wanting a quick fix, writing your own custom PostPro shader that just renders to a RT does ā€˜workā€™ - the finicky thing is managing the RT (across screen sizes, dynamic resolution, canvases, etc). Youā€™ll also lose some potential performance this way, as it costs another FS blit + read vs doing it all ā€˜properlyā€™, and if you have effects like barrel distortion on an earlier camera, that affect the UV of the scene, good luck.

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Very happy to see the initiative!
Joshcamas figured out a way to keep transparency for render textures (see post #9 ), but that only works for effects that donā€™t change alpha, so right now weā€™re looking for a way to make things like bloom and motion blur work, since those affect the final transparency.
As for the custom shader fix, iā€™m not exactly adept at this kind of stuff ^_^" so if anyone wants to give it a try then please report back here with how it went, thatā€™d be super cool.
Again, thanks for the initiative and good luck!

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This feature would be really useful in AR apps so you could, for example, add bloom to a 3D character without adding bloom to the real world around it.


i have this problem as well. What should I do? My UI and in game need different effects.



I was looking for a way to have another bloom dedicated to my UI. Im surpised this is not possible.


Oh wow, i didnā€™t even think how problematic this is when it comes to AR. Now iā€™m even more upset haha

Take a look at post #28 , but youā€™ll have to know about all that fancy shader stuff to try n pull it off, and you may lose some performance apparently.

Right there with yaā€¦

A unity staff member in this thread said that the best way to get Unity to listen to us about this is by telling them about it through here. Apparently it has something to do with ā€œPost Processing compositionā€ so maybe mention that in your ticket. Iā€™ve already sent my request, so if you have a moment then please do so as well. Just please donā€™t spam them, one request per person, we donā€™t want to be annoying about this :smile:

I found this post because I was trying to disable Post Processing on my UI while keeping it on everything else, on first reading this thread I presumed it wasnā€™t possible but Iā€™ve found a simple solution. I donā€™t have a need for different post processing effects on different objects. I thought Iā€™d post this hoping it helps someone else, or in case Iā€™ve completely missed something. Hereā€™s what I did:

You need to apply separate layers to gameobjects you want post processing on and gameobjects you donā€™t. Weā€™ll then select which layers get post processing.

Create two cameras:

For the ā€œNo Post-Processing Cameraā€:
Note: Under ā€œCulling Maskā€ select ONLY the layers you donā€™t want post processing on.

For the ā€œBase Cameraā€ set the following:
Note: Under ā€œCulling Maskā€ select ONLY the layers you want post processing on.

This works in the game view but in the scene view youā€™ll still have Post Processing on everything, let me know if you figure out how to fix that.


The problem at hand doesnā€™t apply in your case because our issue is that Post Processing gets applied to the camera itā€™s tied too and all other cameras underneath it. This is not a problem for you since you want the bottom part of the camera stack affected by PP but not the top part (UI). If you instead wanted to have PP on the UI but not on all the other objects, only then you would face the difficulty.
In terms of the scene view thing; When in scene view, youā€™re looking at the game through the editor camera which works differently from the cameras in the scene. To make it work with PP the same way your camera stack does youā€™d probably have to resort to some really hacky work-arounds.


Yea, I also have a setup like you @SeanBannister but I needed a slightly different bloom effect on my UI from the game
It wonā€™t work for me because the game is getting bloom effect applied twiceā€¦ even if the effect I wanted was exactly the same I guess I can apply it to the UI and itā€™ll ā€œleakā€ to the gameā€¦ but in this way the effect looks wrong (no HDR accounting?)

So I ended up using ā€œhalfā€ the effect on each volume :S
It looks OK as seen here:


+1 on this. Guys, please shove it into unitieā€™s board along the link above ( Itā€™s at the bottom



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Details: URP 7, Unity 2020.1.17, VR and Non-VR

Update: I just noticed the problem is in 2020.1.7. I made a small reproduction in 2020.3.6 and it seems to work there in the editor. No gray / missing items.
My next problem is, due to an other shader I have, it is incompatible with 2020.2 or higher.
So I am stuck on 2020.1.17 that doesnā€™t get updates anymore. so I will probably have to work around the incompatible shader.

Iā€™ve been trying to get a blurred background while rendering UI on top that is not blurred.
But this is seemingly difficult to achieve.
Base camera renders Default and UI which is post processed with a gaussian blur.
then I have an overlay camera which renders the Non-Blurred UI without post processing.

This seems to work for Non-VR

But when I enter VR (Mock HMD Single Pass Instanced) it is not blurred and the left eye is gray and missing the blurred version
With the Oculus Quest 1 in MultiView I get the left eye but then locked to my screen while this is a world space canvas.

The effect I am trying to achieve is that all 3D and UI on a layer is getting blurred
While some other UI on a different layer is not blurred at all.
I need this to work for both VR and Non-VR.

The only workaround for VR I have in mind is to completely blacken the background and only show the non-blurred UI.
But this is something I want to avoid of course if possible.

So is this part of the Post Processing composition? I donā€™t see it listed on the board yet either.

If anyone else knows a workaround for this, please let me know. Iā€™ve been trying custom shaders as well with no luck.
Scene Color doesnā€™t take into account the UI which needs to be blurred
I tried a custom Gaussian implementation which didnā€™t work for Single Pass Instancing nor was it performant and Unity doesnā€™t seem to provide a blur filter node.
I am not a shader nor render wizzard to do these kinds of things but after fiddling with so many things as shaders and camera stacking I am running out of options for a simple blur on specific objects or layers.

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