Has anyone gotten the PostprocessBuildPlayer script to work with Unity iPhone?
I’ve been putting this file here as PostprocessBuildPlayer in my project/assets/editor folder, but nothing happens. I can call that script manually with success if I hand over the path as first parameter. But even doing a simple “touch” call which would create a file does not work. I have the feeling the file does not get executed. Did I miss anything?
my $installPath = $ARGV[0];
# The type of player built:
# "dashboard", "standaloneWin32", "standaloneOSXIntel", "standaloneOSXPPC", "standaloneOSXUniversal", "webplayer"
my $target = $ARGV[1];
# What optimizations are applied. At the moment either "" or "strip" when Strip debug symbols is selected.
my $optimization = $ARGV[2];
# The name of the company set in the project settings
my $companyName = $ARGV[3];
# The name of the product set in the project settings
my $productName = $ARGV[4];
# The default screen width of the player.
my $width = $ARGV[5];
# The default screen height of the player
my $height = $ARGV[6];
print ("\n*** Building at '$installPath' with target: $target \n");
print ("\Starting copy job...\n");
# This is to test if this script gets executed at all...
system("touch ", "/Users/Martin/Development/RaceGame2iPhoneTest/_TESTFILE_");
# Do a test copy of the icon file
system("cp", $installPath . "/Assets/Xcode/Icon.png", $installPath . "/Assets/Xcode/IconBLA_BLA_BLA.png");
# Copy icon and plist file into the generated xcode directoy!
system("cp", $installPath . "/Assets/Xcode/Icon.png", $installPath . "/Builds/RaceDemo/Icon.png");
system("cp", $installPath . "/Assets/Xcode/Info.plist", $installPath . "/Builds/RaceDemo/Info.plist");
print ("Copy job done.\n");