

I try to use the “motion blur” with the package post processing.

I follow the tutorial to apply at my game this effect but i have no result.

it is an fps which I attach to an object a maincamera

next, i create a post process layer, a post process volume and then hit the add effect button and i create the motion blur.

But when i apply different values, they are no effect.

Have you an idea to resolve this problem ?

Thanks by advance.


Since you did not provide enough details, I will go ahead and ask you.

Which render pipeline you are using? Built-in, URP or HDRP?
That affects the answer a lot.

I’m not sure what you’re trying to accomplish with an object attached to the camera… But I don’t think it should make difference if the movement is relative to camera instead of to the world, as long as there’s movement.

I will answer anyway assuming you used built-in. First, make sure you have added a Post Proceess Layer and a Post Process Volume.

Post Process Volume:
Make sure you have made the Volume global by ticking “Is Global” on. Also create a new profile for the camera by clicking New button next to the Profile.

Post Process Layer
Select a layer you want to use, such as PostProcessing. Camera has to be in this layer.

Always use Vignette or such effect which is not motion-dependent and verify that you actually see post-processing. Do not assume post processing is there…

Motion blur should work ok after that when you have movement.

Also remember to check that your moving object’s Mesh Renderer has Motion Vectors enabled in correct mode, like Per Object Motion. If you had set it to Force No Motion, you would not see motion blur for that specific object.

Hopefully this helps.

P.S. Next time post graphics related questions to Graphics section. I’m not sure how post processing is related to Package Manager, other than that you can download this specific package using it.

Here’s a screenshot in case you want to compare my quick test case:

And the result (small cube is blurred there.)

Thanks for you answer and for spend time to my problem.

First, i dont know if i use Built-in, URP or HDRP. I am sorry

Second, i have an object (for example, a capsule).I confirm, i check the mesh renderer : per object motion I put a camera in this object.
Then i follow the next steps with the creation of post process volume and post process layer to attach at my camera
finally, i add the two effects : motion blur and vignette.

i do a screen capture :

thanks by advance for your help

6207486–681756–img.pdf (78.5 KB)

Unless you have installed URP/HDRP using Package Manager, you most likely are using the built-in render pipeline. But did you get it to function?

Yes i go to :

and i have read the description of the three models. I use
Built-in Render Pipeline The Built-in Render Pipeline does not include a post-processing solution by default. To use post-processing effects with the Built-in Render Pipeline, download the Post-Processing Version 2 package. For information on using post-processing effects in the Built-in Render Pipeline, see the Post-Processing Version 2 documentation.

And i follow this instruction :
To use post-processing effects with the Built-in Render Pipeline, download the Post-Processing Version 2 package
yes it works because some features work like vignette for example.

But after the lot of problems, URP or HDRP wouldn’t they be better to use ?

What do you advice ?

Well, did you try to activate play mode and just drag an object around the screen in the editor Scene viewport? That should show the blur effect in the Game view.

yes, i have a lot of wall in my scene and when my character move in play mode, it have not motion blur.
I test with a cube that i around the scene around my character. No effect :frowning: