Potential bug in plastic scm User Management

I think there is something wrong with the user-handling in the plastic scm app.
Most people probably use one user on one machine and therefore don’t notice, but I have a usecase for several users and the I end up in situation where the GUI suggests that a certain user is logged in but in fact another one is in the background. This then has implications for who the author of certain actions like a check-in is.

One example:

I am logged in as testuser CINDY and want to access a repository on a organization which cindy was invited to. From my understanding the second (right) checkbox should show the organizations which cindy is a part of. But instead of showing me the repos of the organization plastic asks my to sign in as ANDY (the owner of the organization).

(This happens on a Mac with Plastic Version

It seems like the issue in this case was that I was playing around with permissions on the organization. I removed CINDYs read permissions.
The behavior of plastic AND Unity is very intransparent however.
Plastic gives the behavior in the image above (not saying anything about the fact that cindy doesnt have enough permissions) and Unity just doesnt connect to Version Control with a “trying to reconnect” message where nothing happens.

Hi, I will try to reproduce the issue. Can you confirm the steps you are following?

if Plastic is asking you to sign in with testuser_001_andy, at some point you also configured this user in the client, right?

So you have configured both users at some point (cindy and andy) and then you are removing the read permissions in the org for one of them?

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