In the game I’m making, I’ve tried using hinge joints to directly control character movement, but it was incredibly dodgy at best once I started working with gravity, so, I’m curious as to whether or not there is a way to directly control the bones in an imported, rigged character, without using animation? I know Havok engine can do this, but was curious if Unity can.
I plan to implement it so if the player moved the analog stick right, the right arm moves out, move left, and the left arm moves out, and if you use the right stick, the body would lean forward, back, and to the sides.
I’m really interested in that matter too. I’ve seen an integration in Unity: and Wolfire Games have achieved it too with Overgrowth.
It’s a very interesting matter and some games are trying to integrate it. Euphoria by NaturalMotion is a far example because it’s more advanced but it’s roots are the same.
Havok has integrated it too like Pose Matching Ragdolls. Hope we’ll find what we’re looking for.
I think it’s more simple than we imagine. Controlling the freedom of movement of the Ragdoll Joints you can achieve it. Then you’ll have to create an AI who controls their movements.
Look at KavorkaGames in Youtube and its implementation to Unity.