Powerup Spawn chance like subway surfers?

So basically I wanna have powerups or rare items spawning in specific places in the map which I set like in subway surfers but I don’t really know how am I supposed to do it, so can anyone please help me?

I suggest that you have a script called something like “PowerUpSpawner”.

Inside that you have gameobject list like: public List<GameObject> prefabPowerUps; and a Vector3 or Transform of the spawn location you want like public Transform spawnLocation;

Created your power up prefabs. Learn more about prefabs here: Unity - Manual: Creating Prefabs

Attach script to a gameobject and you should be able to add your prefabs to the list via drag and drop (or via code).

Inside the script have a spawn method with a random generator which uses the prefabPowerUps’ count to get the max index. With the spawn Location and the index of a random powerUp, you can instatiate (create) a new instance of that prefab object at the spawn location.

More info on Random number generator: Unity - Scripting API: Random.Range

More about Instantiate:

public class PowerUpSpawner
	public List<GameObject> prefabPowerUps;
	public Transform spawnLocation;
	public void spawnPowerUp()
		 int numberOfPowerUps = prefabPowerUp.Count;

		 if (numberOfPowerUps > 0) // prevents index errors
			 int prefabPowerUpIndex = Random.Range(0, numberOfPowerUps); // Pick a number from 0 to (numberOfPowerUps - 1)
			 GameObject powerup = Instantiate(prefabPowerUp[ prefabPowerUpIndex ], spawnLocation.position, Quaternion.identity); 
			 // IF you don't need to know what you spawned 
			 // THEN you can exclude the 'GameObject power =' part