Hey Guys,
I was working on Physically Based Shader recently and i stumbled across few problems with Cubemaps
So the problem is I do not know how to create a smooth blur with specular highlights on the cubemap so that it can be used for Image based lighting
This is what i am trying to achieve ,notice how the cubemaps are smoothly blurred and spots which may act as light source are made brighter
I tried using texCUBElod in shader but the blurring was no good:hushed:.
And for the highlights i thought of getting pixels color using Cubemap.GetPixels and then finding the brightest point . But i cant seem to make the point brighter nor can i make them blurr .
So does anyone any ideas to make the bloom like effect and blur the cubemaps at the same time like the image above.if so please share it with me
Any help is appreciated
Thank you,