Precomputed realtime GI for dynamic objects: how to calculate that

I am looking for a way to have prefabs to be instantiated at runtime, with the benefit of having realtime GI precomputed, so the scene will look consistent when the object is dropped in the scene.

I see that there is no data saved per object, but only per scene; which make impossible basically to re-use the same maps when you have dynamic object dropped in the scene.

Is there a way to work around this, and have prefabs to look just fine in a scene, with precomputed realtime GI?

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Objects that are placed at runtime can not be precomputed.
If you would have fixed map parts like chunks as levels and load the additively you can bake them together.
Else you only can lit your prefabs via light probes and.

I thought so…I was hoping there was a way to save different maps so I could make a map without the object and another with the object.
And I think is not possible to recalculate it at runtime; being an editor only feature (and it takes a bit while I run the build phase, so it is not practical at runtime).

I will have to put probes on all the areas where I will place objects at runtime then.