Prefab being instantiated with scripts disabled (Not the self-reference bug)

When I instantiate my prefab through Instantiate(Resources.Load(Path) as GameObject) the root object have all scripts disabled, but all child elements are working as intended.
This started happening 2 days ago out of nowhere. The prefab is not referencing itself and no copies of the prefab is ever destroyed, so it is NOT this: Instantiated Object's Scripts not enabled? Not sure why - Questions & Answers - Unity Discussions

My prefab in the editor

My prefab after being instanced

Well, turns out destroying the instanced prefab’s parent, and then moving it to another parent causes this strange behavior
I’d assume it would either delete the instanced prefab or do nothing at all to it. I didn’t notice that I was doing that until I started to churn out “script.enabled=true” all over the code and it still not working