Prefab doesn't override variables


I have a panel that popup when clickng an object, so i have this code on the object

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class YardScript : MonoBehaviour
    public GameObject yardPanel;

   void OnMouseDown()

But when i set on the inspector the gameObject that contains the panel and click on override doesn’t work, every time i instantiate a new clone of it, have to mannualy assign the panel.
I tried to assign it manually from script like this:

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class YardScript : MonoBehaviour
    public GameObject yardPanel;

    void Start()
        yardPanel = GameObject.Find("Yard Panel");

   void OnMouseDown()

But the variable still being “None (Game Object)”.
Any idea?

yardPanel reference is not in the the scope of prefab itself but somewhere in the scene, right?
That reference gets lost, if you have setup it that way.