Prefab Drawer is a powerful tool that allows you to place different objects in the scene with ease. This tool has a lot of in-depth settings that will help you configure every step to suit your needs. The asset is proven to be production-ready as it has been in the works for few years and helped our team to create wast and beatiful worlds.
- Customazible brush
- Slope and height filtering
- Can paint multiple prefabs at once with weight destribution
- In-depth offsets, randomization and filtering settings
- Does not require any new components and changes to the project itself
- Prefabs can align with brush stroke direction
- Prefabs can align with surface normal
- Layer mask and tag filtering
- Region spawner allows you to spawn a lot of prefabs within the specified area with the one click
- Disabler would help you to change density of the spawned prefabs inside the parent object
- Saveable presets and autosave feature
- Easy to use UI