Prefab is crashing editor when opening and previewing - No Crash Report generated


I have a prefab with many hours sunk into it.

My prefab is crashing when I open it. I am not sure how to troubleshoot this problem. I can’t identify any noticeable errors in the log file that could cause the problem.

The Editor log file mentions:

“A crash has been intercepted by the crash handler. For call stack and other details, see the latest crash report generated in:…”

But no such crash report is created.

Some relevant background info:

  • Prefab has a mesh in it that is appearing black in the preview window, this is not correct, it should be textured.

  • Previous to this crash I added a cloth component to the shirt of the player. I removed it after encountering some serious issues.

  • At one point during playback with the cloth component enabled, looking at the player would cause the screen to go black.

I’m wondering if this is a graphics cache memory issue that is crashing unity somehow?

I do get this in the error log which is suspect…

Assertion failed on expression: 'IsFinite(distanceAlongView)'
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Graphics/ScriptableRenderLoop/ScriptableDrawRenderers.cpp Line: 916)


Assertion failed on expression: 'IsFinite(distanceForSort)'
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Graphics/ScriptableRenderLoop/ScriptableDrawRenderers.cpp Line: 915)


LocalFileCache size was not reduced below threshold at path: C:/Users/bmacd/AppData/LocalLow/Unity/Caches/GiCache. ( 13969838871 / 10737418240)
TrimDiskCacheJob: Current cache size 13322mb

Here is the Editor log. As mentioned, no crash report is generated.

Any help is appreciated

Okay, I believe I have found the answer here. For people with similar errors as above please read below:

The issue was not the GICache, if you need to fix that go to file->prefereces and increase your GI Cache to get rid of that error.

I was getting a weird AABB error in the console along with the above errors. I read elsewhere the AABB and isFinite(distanceForSort) errors are caused by NaN errors in particle emitters. BUT, I don’t have a particle emitter.

I looked at the jersey/shirt mesh again with a closer eye and I noticed it’s transform position is NaN, NaN, NaN.

I have no idea how this happened. (here is a link I found afterwards. Cloth component changes the bounds of the mesh to NaN when constraints set to 0: Unity Issue Tracker - Cloth component sets Renderer bounds to NaN when constraints of all vertices are set to 0). If you are running into this problem in the future and reading this forum post, I HIGHLY recommend looking through whatever component you think might be causing the issue for NaN errors.

Godspeed on your error solving future person.

Here are some other links: