Prefab Loading in Class

I have researched and looked up MANY resources, and have not come to ANY conclusion. If there is an expert out there please help me.

I have a class which is NOT part of my run time class, but my running class uses it to generate game objects. Hence I need to assign certain prefabs to be created using this class. Because unity won’t allow using assigned variables on classes by default, I am forced to include a path to the Prefab file. I have done the following:

clone = (GameObject) Instantiate (Resources.Load("Assets/Prefabs/Tile_Blue"), new Vector3 (0, -7, 1.5f), Quaternion.identity);

As you can see I have included the full path to my Prefab file. However, I get the following message.

ArgumentException: The Object you want to instantiate is null.
UnityEngine.Object.CheckNullArgument (System.Object arg, System.String message) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/UnityEngineObject.cs:238)
UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate (UnityEngine.Object original, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/UnityEngineObject.cs:150)
TileGenerator.Generate () (at Assets/Scripts/TileGenerator.cs:26)
PlayScene.Update () (at Assets/Scripts/PlayScene.cs:14)

If anyone has countered the problem please let me know, as I am very frustrated with this.

You trolling me bro? That clearly DOES NOT say “Resources”, but instead you have “Resourses”. This works, trust me, thousands of people use it everyday…

As the documentation states:

“All assets that are in a folder named “Resources” anywhere in the Assets folder can be accessed via the Resources.Load functions. Multiple “Resources” folders may exist and when loading objects each will be examined.”

What you need to do is create a “Resources” folder within the project and place your object there. Here is another great resource that explains in detail how to do what you want.

EDIT Converted to answer and the comment to your reply that it “Still didn’t work” did not come with. However, if you look at the picture you are clearly still not using “Resources”, but instead have it in a “Resourses” folder. Fix those issues and that code will work, I promise.