Prefab Move on the Host but Not on the Client (Unity NetCode)

After Two DAYS researching on this topic I got Stocked :
Unity version : 2023.2.3f1
Netcode Version : 1.7.1

this is the first time where i worked with netcode so am sorry for any stupid method i used.

I tried to move the prefab on his own c# script after network spawned on the
OnNetworkSpawn Function , but the same thing it move on the host but not on the client.

and I tried invoking event action that stores all the info that i need for moving my prefab when the object spawned on the shooting system .cs and subscribe to it on the prefab script and trigger a move method with all the parameters from the event action but again the same thing.

using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using Unity.Netcode;
public class ShootingSystem : NetworkBehaviour
    [SerializeField] private Transform startPointTransform;
    [SerializeField] private List<Weapon_SO> weapon_SOs = new List<Weapon_SO>();
    [SerializeField] private float rangeModefier = 10;
    private int weaponIndex = 0;
    private float holdTime = 0;
    private void Update()
        if (!IsOwner) return;
        if (InputsData.IsShootingStarted())
            //start counting the holding time
            if (holdTime <= 1)
                holdTime += Time.deltaTime;

        }else if (InputsData.IsShootingReleased())
            SpawnAndMovePrefabOnServerRpc(startPointTransform.position, Quaternion.identity);

            holdTime = 0;
    private void SpawnAndMovePrefabOnServerRpc(Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot)
        GameObject InstantiatedObject = Instantiate(weapon_SOs[weaponIndex].projectilePrefab, pos, rot);
        NetworkObject networkObject = InstantiatedObject.GetComponent<NetworkObject>();

        Destroy(InstantiatedObject, 3f);
    void Move(ulong id)

        Transform cameraPosition = GetComponentInChildren<Camera>().transform;
        Vector3 moveDirection = (cameraPosition.up * weapon_SOs[weaponIndex].upModefier + cameraPosition.forward * weapon_SOs[weaponIndex].forwadModefier)
            * weapon_SOs[weaponIndex].range * rangeModefier * holdTime;


i have another script for intercating with object and grabing them and it work fine and the both sides

I would recommend looking at some of NGO’s samples in the test project to see if that helps you with your project.
The teleport sample shows one approach that uses the PlayerMovement script.
You are free to borrow any of the scripts there and make adjustments as needed for your project.

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Thank you for your reply I Appreciate it . I will Try it Now

Also, here is a sample project I have used today answering some questions. It has the motion model aspect built into it and I thought you might find this useful as well.

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