Prefabs are reimporting every time a code change is made

Hi @L42yB_1 ,

A while ago we introduced a change which had to do with fixing a particular pain point where Scripts belonging to prefabs were not reimporting the prefabs needed, which had to do a lot with missing references:

** Forum post for Addressing issues with missing references **

However, that should only trigger Prefab re-imports when code a Prefab depends on is changed.

Say you have Prefab A, and it has Script B as a component.
Changing B should re-import the Prefab.
However, changing another Script, such as Script C should NOT re-import the prefab. Is this what you’re seeing? That Scripts that have nothing to do with a prefab are re-importing all the prefabs?

If you have the Editor.Log we can have a look at it and try to reason why other Prefabs are getting imported.