Prefabs invisible after import

After making skinning or joint changes to a model in Maya and sending it back as an .fbx to Unity the mesh is invisible. It seems like the “Skinned Mesh Rendered” doesn’t update somehow. If I set the mesh to something like a cube and then back to the right mesh I get the result shown in the image.

The only thing I can think of that I do in the actual joint hierarchy is adding colliders (legs & waist) for the cloth around her waist. The cloth (CityWatch_Cloth) remains visible and working (probably since I didn’t add joints/skinning to it). The below image is how it looks in-game before import.

How am I supposed to work around this? Never add stuff nodes to imported nodes like joints so I can just replace the model in the prefab every time? But then how do I do the cloth and its colliders?

Anyone know a good workaround? Has this been a problem in Unity for a long time or is this a Unity 5 thing?

Sorry for bumping this but we still haven’t found a good solution.