Hi all
Is this correct?
If I have say a 5k mesh and make this a prefab and duplicate 10 times does this get loaded x10 into the card or once?
Is it faster to use 1 prefab x10 up or 1 mesh dup x10 time?
Does it make a difference?
Hi all
Is this correct?
If I have say a 5k mesh and make this a prefab and duplicate 10 times does this get loaded x10 into the card or once?
Is it faster to use 1 prefab x10 up or 1 mesh dup x10 time?
Does it make a difference?
If they are all using the same mesh asset, then only one mesh will be uploaded to the graphics card (except for the case when the object will use different scale).
Of course when they are rendered, then 10 objects have to be drawn in any case, so mesh vertices will be transformed 10 times by the graphics card (but all of them will use the same mesh uploaded to VRAM).
cheers, so a faster and better way to build a layout?
So the moment we change the scale settings in the inspector, the mesh takes twice as much space? (taking into account one entity already exists in the scene at default scale)
Would that be true also if we scale an instantiated item via scripting? Are there any shortcuts here?