Hi everyone,
in our Unity 2021.3.39f1 project, I noticed via git that the project settings tend to change sometimes, namely the preloadedAssets setting. Not being responsible for builds, I didn’t even know that setting, so I checked and apparently you can set a number of assets to load at max which then are persisted in memory somehow. The number of assets configured is 0 (according to the project settings dialogue in the editor, player section). However, when I open ProjectSettings.asset, I can see one entry for preloadedAssets. I then clicked “Save project” in the editor and that entry in the asset file disappeared.
a) To this day, I do not understand when Unity does “Save project” and when it does not. I would be thankful for an explanation, even though it’s unrelated to my actual question, which is
b) Why do assets end up in that file and why do they also disappear seemingly on their own? I did some builds today, development and normal, so I guess that’s related, but should this not be a setting that I control?
As always thank you for your time, I’m looking forward to learn something new once again.