Presenting Elvis Presently. My first EVER computer game.

Obligatory I’m a noob, I started learning code about a month back, along with pixel art and Unity. I now have a finished game I released on :slight_smile: . I would be MORE than happy if you played it, shared it (if you like it) and gave me feedback on anything in the game. Artwork, coding and music by me.

Any feedback is much appreciated, not just gameplay but the page and your factor of “would I play it?”

I just tried your game, I kept spamming “x”, “z”, “c”, and I can kill all the enemies :hushed:, you could add a small delay, also I don’t hear any music or sound :eyes:, In the info I see there is a music piece created by ya. The artwork is good and it looks cool, the effects with some textures could look good. A infinite runner game is cool but the concept of the character and to collect books and presents is kinda unexciting for me , but you said you just got into all this like in 3 weeks and you made this and thats super cool:sunglasses:, because I have been in unity for sometime now, I’m experienced but not a expert, thought I made some projects but weren’t able to finish them:(, and haven’t got that far to publish a game completely finished until sometime now when I was about to publish my game I saw your post.

Its sad to see someone’s hard work being put here and getting no attention , with a vote “no” :eyes:, its a super good game as a beginner. It does need some improvement though, I lack art but you have that, and thats again C:sunglasses::sunglasses:L.

P.S: you definitely need to change the theme of your game, like watch y8 games check out the popular ones.

Thank you so so so much! I’m SO happy to get a response :slight_smile: .

Oh that’s odd that the music isn’t working. Let me recheck that since it works on mine and a couple testers systems. I am releasing it on Android :slight_smile: Waiting for the apk to get verified. I’ll get to work on a shot timer, but I hope that won’t be a constraint as things tend to get a little hectic.

I definitely understand the books and gifts part lol, I really didn’t think of too many other ideas because I thought coins are always done.

Oh yes, I have 2 unfinished and abandoned projects which I thought were gonna be masterpieces. I’m now part of a Game Jam to just put myself out there, but unfortunately don’t see myself finishing it due to the idea in my head isn’t really getting translated into the game (not a coding issue, but more of a “yea i didn’t think about that” moment).

The best of luck to you for your games and I hope to see some of them soon :slight_smile:

wow that was quick! :hushed:, ahahahah I have a heap of abandoned and unfinished ones.

You can actually see it, check the out the “About Made With Unity” forum, it should be on top now. its called “Take And Trap” its on, I really don’t mean to hijack your game on something, but be my first guest ^_^.

Oh fantastic! Downloaded it and gonna play it first thing tomorrow :slight_smile: Congratulations!! The screenshots look fantastic :slight_smile:

thanks ^_^, yep it looks cool, it looks like blurry just like how I see without my glasses xd

It’s now out on the Google Play Store! I know the page looks like terrible but I’ll beautify it tonight :slight_smile: . Hope whoever reads this thread can try and download it and play :slight_smile: (It’s a basic AF game)

Nice one!
I agree with a previous comment where spamming the zxc and jump buttons made the game too easy.
Implementing the delay, or even incorporating the stamina with shooting/jumping so it forces the player to think about how they should play.

I also experienced some tearing/separation of the tiled background when jumping. Not sure how they are moving but maybe make sure they are updated in the FixedUpdate perhaps? I assume everything is still and the background is the moving object, along with enemies.

Regardless, nice job!

This was a fun little endless runner. The spamming of bullets with little to no penalty made it too easy. The art style was appealing, but would have been nice to see more variety. Maybe more depth to the background, and maybe even some foreground.

Getting a coherent theme to your game could also help out a lot. But for only a month of working in Unity, this is some great progress.

And of course, take what I say with a grain of salt, since I have only been working with Unity for only 3 months, and today was the first day I posted one of my projects. So keep up the good work!

Thanks SO much for trying it out and giving me some really good feedback!

I did think of a health penalty if you hit the wrong object but the game got quite quite tough while I was playing it. Or take away health every 5 seconds you’re on a negative score. Let me test these out.

As for the tearing separation I tried using a pixel perfect camera but I see it didn’t turn out too well. You’re right, everything is fixed except for the enemies which are moving at a Vector2.left times speed. I am moving just the background at a fixed speed in my Update function. I’ll move it to FixedUpdate and test it out. Thank you SO much for this.

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Thanks you SO much for playing it and taking time to give me feedback!

I’ll work on adding a bit more than a small points penalty if you do hit the wrong object. As for variety and depth, I absolutely agree with you, but my art being generally abysmal I wasn’t too sure what more I could add lol.

I guess my theme was “It’s Monday today, I want to get this out by Friday!” but again absolutely agree with you. I’ll be checking out your game and posting on your thread tonight :slight_smile:

yummynath, it looks pretty awesome. I would also port it to other platforms as well, making it cross-platform. And share it with some game studios, for getting their evaluation of your dev solutions… Maybe you should consider about cooperating with some game studio, or order an outsource for your project? I would consider about it. I can find plenty of studio game devs, that can make such porting, or even implementing some awesome game art, but it seems that there is no better development team than this game art outsourcing company called iLogos. I’ve seen dozens of their game art’s works and solution, and I’m really impressed how they can make it, for other game developers as well. Their solutions for Pearl’s Peril, Animal Jam and June’s Journey are truly awesome. I’m looking for some financial resources for now, cause I want to make an order of some great game art as well.

I put it up on Google play, not sure if the touch integration makes it better? But OMG thank you so much for checking it out!

Not too sure about game studios at the moment since it’s so basic at the moment :S I dunno. If you have any other thing that itches you (pun intended) let me know :slight_smile: I’m doing a patch this week to improve this! THANK YOU