Hey guys
I have a 3D character controller with rigidbody that moves along a grid. Basically, if you swipe right, the character will move right until he hits a wall.
I also have gravity so my player can jump.
The issue is, when my player climbs a slope or stairs, he slows down drastically, because gravity is pulling him down. Is there a way to preserve my horizontal speed even on upward slopes?
Here is my movement code
//If we are not moving...
if (!isMoving)
//If requested direction is valid, set it to currentDir and rotate character
if (CheckDirection(nextDirection))
currentDirection = nextDirection;
//If we are stopped, calculate the next valid start and end position
startPosition = rb.position;
endPosition = startPosition + (currentDirection * unitLength);
//Round the result so we end up on a whole number coordinate
endPosition = new Vector3(Mathf.Round(endPosition.x), Mathf.Round(endPosition.y), Mathf.Round(endPosition.z));
isMoving = true;
//If we are moving and the current direction is valid (no walls in the way)
if (isMoving && CheckDirection(currentDirection))
//Move rigidbody towards destination
float step = speed * Time.deltaTime;
rb.MovePosition(Vector3.MoveTowards(rb.position, new Vector3(endPosition.x, rb.position.y, endPosition.z), step));
//Calculate horizontal distance remaining from startpoint to endpoint
Vector3 distanceRemaining = new Vector3(endPosition.x, 0, endPosition.z) - new Vector3(rb.position.x, 0, rb.position.z);
//If we are extremely close to endpoint, stop
if (distanceRemaining.sqrMagnitude < float.Epsilon)
isMoving = false;
//If we hit a wall, stop
if (!CheckDirection(currentDirection))
isMoving = false;