Hi, I have to preface this by saying I really like the way the new Input System is turning out.
I am trying to figure out how to get my button only to fire once per press. I found the interactions section in the Input Actions Editor. So I added the PressInteraction and saved the asset.
However, in the callback of my action, it is still called called multiple times.
public void OnJump(InputAction.CallbackContext context)
if (context.performed) {
_jump = context.ReadValue<float>() != 0f;
Here is my Input Actions
This should work. What do you mean is called multiple times? OnJump? Or the part inside if (context.performed) {
The callback is still called multiple times, even when I add the conditional
Hmm, i have the same code here, and it works fine for me. You will need to submit a bug report with a repro project and post the case number here, so we can take a look.
I figured out the problem, after attempting to re-create the project. It was not with the Input System, but user error. Press Iteraction is working as intended.
This leads to another question. If this isn’t the right forum, let me know. I want to know properly how to know if the player is jumping. I am having a problem to know when to properly set the _jump in my JobComponentSystem bool to false. Here is some context:
I know when the user presses the jump button:
public class CharacterControllerSystem : JobComponentSystem, IGameplayActions
private bool _jump;
public void OnJump(InputAction.CallbackContext context)
_jump = context.ReadValue<float>() != 0f;
I send the '_jump" same input to my job:
protected override JobHandle OnUpdate(JobHandle inputDependencies)
var phyicsJob = new CharacterControllerPhysicsJob {
inputDependencies = phyicsJob.Schedule(this, inputDependencies);
var controllerDataType = GetArchetypeChunkComponentType<CharacterControllerData>();
var physicsColliderType = GetArchetypeChunkComponentType<PhysicsCollider>();
var physicsVelocityType = GetArchetypeChunkComponentType<PhysicsVelocity>();
var translationType = GetArchetypeChunkComponentType<Translation>(true);
var rotationType = GetArchetypeChunkComponentType<Rotation>();
var isGamepadConnected = Gamepad.current != null;
var job = new CharacterControllerSystemJob {
MoveDir = _move,
Jump = _jump,
ShootDir = _shootDir,
DeltaTime = Time.deltaTime,
GamepadConnected = isGamepadConnected,
CharacterControllerType = controllerDataType,
PhysicsColliderType = physicsColliderType,
PhysicsVelocityType = physicsVelocityType,
TranslationType = translationType,
RotationType = rotationType
return job.Schedule(_group, inputDependencies);
In the Character Controller System Job, I check to see if the player is jumping. The character does jump. No matter what I do, I either see the player fly off or not move.
if (characterData.IsJumping) {
linearVelocity.y += characterData.JumpSpeed;
characterData.IsJumping = false;