I have 2 Scripts 1 is attached to the gun the other to the bullet. The problem is, (and i really looked everywhere but nothing worked) that the bullets sometimes are going through objects. My scripts:
#pragma strict
var Bullet : Rigidbody;
var FirePoint : Transform;
var shot : AudioClip;
var FireType : int = 0;
// 0 = Auto, 1 = Single, 2 = burst
private var autoTimer : float;
private var singleTimer : float;
var myTimer : float;
var myTimerSingle : float;
var BurstTimer : float;
var BurstCount : int;
private var myTimerBurst : float = 0.075;
var BurstFired = false;
var BurstReload : float = 1.5;
var force: float = 2.5; // controls recoil amplitude
var upSpeed: float = 9; // controls smoothing speed
var dnSpeed: float = 20; // how fast the weapon returns to original position
private var ang0: Vector3; // initial angle private
var targetX: float; // unfiltered recoil angle private
var ang = Vector3.zero; // smoothed angle
function Recoil()
targetX += force; // add recoil force
function Start()
autoTimer = myTimer;
singleTimer = myTimerSingle;
BurstTimer = myTimerBurst;
ang0 = transform.localEulerAngles;
function Update()
ang.x = Mathf.Lerp(ang.x, targetX, upSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
transform.localEulerAngles = ang0 - ang; // move the camera or weapon
targetX = Mathf.Lerp(targetX, 0, dnSpeed * Time.deltaTime); // returns to rest
FireType += 1;
if(FireType == 3)
FireType = 0;
if(autoTimer > 0)
autoTimer -= 1*Time.deltaTime;
if(autoTimer <= 0)
autoTimer = 0;
if(singleTimer > 0)
singleTimer -= 1*Time.deltaTime;
if(singleTimer <= 0)
singleTimer = 0;
if(BurstTimer > 0)
BurstTimer -= 1*Time.deltaTime;
if(BurstTimer <= 0)
BurstTimer = 0;
if(BurstCount == 0)
BurstCount = 3;
BurstFired = false;
BurstReload = 0.3;
if(BurstReload > 0)
BurstReload -= 1*Time.deltaTime;
if(BurstReload < 0)
BurstReload = 0;
function FixedUpdate ()
if(Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1") && FireType == 1 && singleTimer == 0 && Ammo.ClipAmmo > 0)
var BulletInstance : Rigidbody;
BulletInstance = Instantiate(Bullet, FirePoint.position, transform.rotation);
BulletInstance.AddForce(FirePoint.forward * 50);
audio.PlayOneShot(shot, 0.1);
singleTimer = myTimerSingle;
Ammo.ClipAmmo -= 1;
if(Input.GetButton("Fire1") && FireType == 0 && autoTimer == 0 && Ammo.ClipAmmo > 0)
BulletInstance = Instantiate(Bullet, FirePoint.position, FirePoint.rotation);
BulletInstance.AddForce(FirePoint.forward * 30000);
audio.PlayOneShot(shot, 0.1);
autoTimer = myTimer;
Ammo.ClipAmmo -= 1;
if(BurstFired == true && FireType == 2 && BurstTimer == 0 && BurstCount > 0 && BurstReload == 0 && Ammo.ClipAmmo > 0)
BulletInstance = Instantiate(Bullet, FirePoint.position, FirePoint.rotation);
BulletInstance.AddForce(FirePoint.forward * 30000);
audio.PlayOneShot(shot, 0.1);
BurstCount -= 1;
BurstTimer = myTimerBurst;
Ammo.ClipAmmo -= 1;
if(Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1") && FireType == 2)
BurstFired = true;
#pragma strict
var lifeTime : float = 10;
function OnCollisionEnter ()
function FixedUpdate ()
rigidbody.collisionDetectionMode = CollisionDetectionMode.ContinuousDynamic;
function Update()
lifeTime -= 1*Time.deltaTime;
if(lifeTime <= 0)
if anyone has any idea how to fix the problem it would be awesome, i already set the FixedTimestep to 0.01 and i dont want to use raycast because i want the bullets to go down with the time(gravity)
thanks in advance skullbeats1