I got a platform that is controllable by a player, while an other player can walk around on it. The players are currently moved with simpleMove and got no rigidbody attached, because they shouldn’t be affected by physics. It is important that the platform can collide with other colliders, so I attached a rigidbody to it. When no rigidbody is attached and the platform is moved by its transform, everything works fine. But when I attach a rigidbody and apply forces, the player who walks on the platform slides of it and falls of the plattform. Does somebody know a solution for this, so the player can walk on the rigidbody platform like he can on a not moving ground?
Yes, I know the solution. You need to parent the player to the platform at runtime, through scripting. Meaning, as soon as the player is on the platform, make the platforma child of the player. When the platform reaches its destination, unparent the platform. Then you can step off the platform. I believe that will solve your problem.
Why not to just teleport player to the difference + platfrom pos and just change difference when player moves?