Preventing first instance of object from starting on screen

I’m making my character throw projectiles at the press of a button. So I created that object in the tree on the left, and when you press the button, I use Instantiante at the character’s location.

However this one first instance I created starts in the middle of the screen (where I created it in the Scene editing) and does its launching code before anything happens. Not only that, but when it gets deleted as per normal projectile protocol, the whole class stops working altogether and I can’t create any more.

How am I supposed to handle this exactly? I need to

  1. Prevent the object from automatically spawning just because it’s on my Scene, and just serve as a prefab of which I can create clones which do their thing
  2. Find out why this first instance has to exist otherwise clones cannot be created anymore

Why do you want to create clones of a prefab already In the scene? Just reference the prefab from the asset folder. That why you can create clones of an object that is not in the scene. I believe that will solve both your issues. Also add code so we can see how you delete the objects.