preview openxr not connecting to HTC vive

I am testing out the preview OpenXR in unity 2020.2.1f1
I’ve followed this entire tutorial.

When I run my scene, I have no errors or warnings in the Console. But I only see my steam home inside the HTC Vive. I can see the Main Camera in Unity remains at Postion 0,0,0 and Rotation 0,0,0.

I gave a lot of attention to follow the setup tutorial exactly. Should the preview plugins work with HTC Vive, or what troubleshooting tips can you all offer?

Thank you in advance!

I found the solution to my problem!! :slight_smile: I simply had to open the Developer tab of SteamVR Settings and click “set steamvr as openxr runtime”. The button could be found here (at least before I clicked it).