Price for a good AI?

Hi, I am an AI scripter, and I would like to know how much you’d pay for this: an AI which follows waypoints, interacts with other AIs (currently talks to them, maybe eventually even exchange information), if he sees the player on a clear day, from your choice of meters away he’ll start shooting at him (I could make it so he charges at you), and alerts all the other close AIs to be on alert, if you sneak up behind him, he currently runs to a place that he finds safe, but I could make it so that he charges you, or even calls in other AIs, and you would have the choice of how far he can see, and if he’s affected by enviroment (on a foggy day or at night, he will only be able to see half as far), if he has low health and he has a potion (food, what ever heals him), he will regain health, and if he has low health as he talks to one of his buddies, and has no potions left, he will ask for a potion, and you can easily assign all of the animations. The code would be well documented, so that even someone who does not know much about scripting would be able to change something (like the tag of what would separate one of his buddies from the player). I am only partially through making this, so it would take a while to finish, but I would like your honest opinion, how much would you pay for it? How many sales do you think I would make? And from people who have sold on the asset store before, how much did you make on your first item?


I think that depends on what would make your product different from other AI solutions. Is this for a specific scenario where you expect plug and play? Is it flexible and extensible? etc…

I would suggest you buy and test every AI solution out there to understand where the state of the technology is. Note that I am NOT encouraging you to copy anything, just to know the feature sets, etc. You might be better off picking your favorite and contributing to the developer, or creating an extension, rather than spending your time reinventing the wheel. if you DO find a big gap that you think you can fill, then you’ll know you have something that might be worthwhile.

You also need to consider all the time and energy it takes to create docs, support issues and release new versions. This all takes away from the time you will spend on your own apps.

Best of luck in whatever you decide to do!

Sadly, I am no app maker. I prefer to make large scale xbox games, but first I will need some money, and this is what I love to do. If anyone has any suggestions, please feel free to add them.

I don’t mean to discourage you, but even if you make the best AI tool ever invented for Unity, it will not find an XBox game. If it is what you love to do though, then this won’t matter, which is the right reason to do it IMO!

Still, my advice would be to know what is already out there. That will help you know what features are missing and may be valuable.

if i was you i would make a AI pack with like 3 ai scripts for strategy games,3 for fps games etc…

If I could add in seeing the player depending on how bright it is (day, night, near a lightsource), would people want that? And if so, would you want it done via variables (current hour, maybe the transform of all the lights?), or via collision? And also, how would I go about this?

Frankly I’d recommend the opposite - what’s out there is already done don’t reinvent the wheel here. What would be really nice is to see a kit that would give you a script that could be attached to an arbitrary npc (character controller or rigidbody based) and perform some behaviour. Instead of assuming light source, day/night etc… just have it event driven so you pass in some parameters and call the method, allowing us to return a true/false to identify that the script should take that behaviour.

Maybe you can develop a small framework to support these behaviours using callbacks/an event driven model then just release behaviours as you finish them - make the framework free and a couple basic scripts then sell the new scripts or do them as custom development services.

Do you have any AI coding that you could show us?

so far, all I have now is interactions with other AIs, pathfinding, and currently working on his reaction to finding the player


WORD. What I would love to see some AI primatives that could be just tossed on a object.

Do you know how to build Ai for strategy games? Like turn based or RTS?
Something along those lines could be worthwhile.

I may get into some new projects as I get more experienced, but for now I have to finish this project. So far, he now accounts for chance of seeing the player (1-100), depending on user input, distance, fog, and working on time.

Any webplayers of your AI?

Not yet, hopefully you’ll understand my caution towards those, with them being easily decompiled.

Then what about a video?

Quick question, how would I do this?

use fraps or similar to record a video
