Prime31 Etcetera's imagePickerChoseImage - renders plane black with no errors

I’m using Prime31’s Etcetera plugin (specifically the image picker) to allow the user to set the texture of a Plane to an image they’ve picked or taken. However, when I test this on the device the image is picked and after some time the Plane renders as black. There are no errors in the log. All my debug output checks out as well.

I’ve looked at the example provided and I’m wondering if the problem is caused by the Plane material. Currently, there are two presets for the bitmap rendered on this Plane controlled by GUI interaction; both of these work fine in that I can switch between them. I think my problem is that this Plane has a material of type Mobile/Background. I do not want this Plane to be shaded.

Also, the textureLoaded delegate method passes Texture2D. My two preset textures are of type Texture.


@alan, you have to use a shader if you want the image displayed. The shader must at the least have one texture that it samples and displays. See the demo scene for an example.

Can the shader be Mobile/Background or Unlit/Texture? Or must it be Diffuse?

Thanks! It appears that the problem was caused by a memory warning because I had the image size set too high. Mobile/Background shader works fine. Now to flip the image so it’s right side up…

can anyone tell whoto code of image picker to import Photo from iOS gallery.?

Thanks in advance