Primitive Colliders Problem?

Hi everyone.

I have a scene with less than 2K Tris and Verts, 2 textures that all materials share. All materials are difuse, nothing more.
The textures are 256x256, 128x128.

6 box colliders.
8 sphere colliders. 4 are rolling spheres.
The sphere’s rigidbodys haven’t rotations.
Number of draw calls < 25.

ok. why i cant get it to play smoothly?
When i quit some colliders it goes well. So, i suppose the problem is focused there.

How many colliders are the top to get a smooth movement of my spheres in the Iphone teorically?

I suppose the cost of collisions if expensive so i’ve tried to use only primitives. But not luck…

Any ideas???

Try going into Edit > Project Settings > Time and raising your Fixed Timestep (perhaps to something like .066). Then reduce the solver iteration count (I’m using 3). Be sure to turn interpolation on on all of your rigidbodies or else they’ll look really choppy as they move since the fixed timestep is now set very low.

I hope that helps!

Yeh. The interpolation was already set on all the elements.

I’ll give a try to Time values. I’ve played with them to make the spheres move like real metallic ones and I Kept with .002 and 4 timestep.

Maybe using diferent Mass and/or Radius in the spheres to avoid the miss collisions that sometimes happened.

AAhhh…I’ll try tonight, tomorrow i’ll post the results. Thanks. Appreciated.

I hope that’s .02, because .002 will, if I’m not mistaken, result in the iPhone trying to do physics 500 times per second. Even at .02, 50 per second is quite a load for a phone. Raising it makes the simulation less stable, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

Yeah was time stuff.

I use now 0.2 and 3 timestep. But needed to use huge box colliders for ground and sides of the platform otherwise the spheres just pass through them.

But, hey, it works now.!!!
