PrimitivesPro [RELEASED]

You may not be interested to do so, it may be difficult but constructive solid geometry operations to cut out a chunk from one primitive using another would be really useful for customizing the mesh shapes.

Wonderful! Iā€™ve already purchased the pack and put the half-pipe to good use. Iā€™m glad you added saving to .asset too, because there is a conflict with another plug-in I use (Spline Bend), and it would crash Unity if I tried to add a spline to a PrimivesPro GameObject that had a mesh collider applied. Thankfully saving as .asset offered a workaround (you have to create PrimivePro ā†’ apply the spline ā†’ save mesh ā†’ load mesh and add mesh collider).

Now, I wonder if itā€™s possible to make a ramp using one of the primitives? Something like this:

Thank you!

Great to hear it works for you. I am not sure about the crash, I donā€™t have a Spline Bend plugin. Could you attach error log or console output, if it is possible?

For the ramp, I cannot see your attachment, the link is broken.

CSG is definitely an interesting topic. I would like to see it in the future version of my package. However I cannot promise when, for now I keep it in my TODO list with lower priority.

Sorry, here is the ramp:

As for the crash, I just tried it again and itā€™s not crashing anymore. Yay! Iā€™ll let you know if it rears its ugly head again.

I just read the documentation and came across this:

Can you possibly point me to such a shader? I prefer the flat shaded, face normals look for my game, but I canā€™t seem to find a shader that will produce it.

About the ramp, the closest looking primitive you can get is a Tube with inner radius set to 0 and high slice parameter. Try to play with those parameters, otherwise there is no such primitive. But I am now thinking about ā€œcuttingā€ plane feature, where you will be able to cut any primitive in two pieces by a plane, that might help a lot.

I just quick looked over the forum and google and I havenā€™t found any ā€œflatā€ shader for Unity. Everybody just duplicates vertices as I do. However I believe there is a way to do it, interesting information can be found for example here:

But it requires a little bit more work and research.

Great !!!
You have added some very nice features.
I like the clever way to choose the UVmapping on the cube or the pyramid.



Great release! Like the new features very much. Makes this asset a lot more usable.

Any insights in your TODO list? Iā€™m curious about whatā€™s next.


I am glad you like it.

For the next version I am thinking about plane cutting feature where you can cut any primitive by a plane into
two pieces. And after that maybe global deformation techniques.

Sounds good, Do you thought about some boolean operations?
I also saw that you reference Paul Bourke. On his site is a couple of more very interesting stuff. For example : (Donā€™t know if this is the same as the rounded cube, but itā€™s amazing how much different geometry you get from one algorithm)
Global deformation is also fantastic, but in my opinion itā€™s a topic that is already been coverd very well by Megafiers. Why reinvent(or copy) the wheel? The world need more Paul Bourke stuff :wink:

I agree, Paul Bourkeā€™s website is an excellent resource. Yes, the super-ellipsoid is a superset of rounded cube and many other geometry objectsā€¦

I was thinking about implementing super-ellipsoid before, then I realized it would be maybe too general for people and not so usable for game development with Unity. However, if you think itā€™s a good idea I can do it :).

And for deformations and Megafiers, I havenā€™t tried it yet, but I guess you are right.

I donā€™t agreeā€¦
All you can add to YOUR assets is great for old customers and to attract future customers.
Things can be similar but different.
Creation be with you ! :wink:


You forgot that unity is not only used for games! :wink:
I vote for super-ellipsoid !!!

Another feature that comes in my mind is more control over a sphere. So you could define the start and end of your angles (phi/theta). With this you could create slices of a sphere etc.

Possible bug? If I create a torus, it gets spawned with the name TorusPro and I can change all the settings. Good. But if I then rename the GameObject, the settings no longer have any effect. If I change the name back to TorusPro, they work again. Is this a known limitation?

Yes, it is a known limitation because I compare objects with a name. I can fix that in next version. But not sooner that 2 weeks, I will be offline next daysā€¦

Playing around with different primitives I got some feature suggestions:
Triangle: subdivision (so you could better use it with a mesh deformer)
Circle,Ring,Torus: Slice parameter like the Tube has.
Torus: a cone angle to adjust the alignment of the cone.

That works for me! PrimitivesPro is fast becoming one of my favorite plug-ins. As someone who never took the time to learn a 3D modeling app, this is a really empowering toolset. Thanks for making it!

Just bought this Amazing Plugin. Wow. Fantastic work.

In the process of learning how to use the package.

I have 2 questions perhaps you can help with:

  1. How to make box that is open inside. Would this work by using a 4-sided Tube?
    Edit: Just tested a 4 sides tube, it works, but the UV on the top cap is a bit off. I think this is a simple fix and then Primitive Pro can support a 4 sided tube. Can you tell me where in the code I need to change to fix the UV.

  2. Is it possible to make something like the Frilly Paper shape of a cup cake. Cupcake - Wikipedia
