Printable a Certificate for completing a task

I want to let the users of my game be able to print out a certificate that they completed a task. How can I make a link to download a png or pdf in my Unity game. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

To save a Texture2D from Unity to a PC (as PNG), you need to

  1. Convert it to a byte: texture.EncodeToPNG();

  2. Save the byte Array File.WriteAllBytes(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments) + "/face.png", textureByteArray);

More info: Saving Texture2D as a PNG image to HDD in Standalone build. - Questions & Answers - Unity Discussions

Also, if you want to print the image in a printer, I found this: c# - Using a printer to print Unity3D Game statistics - Stack Overflow