I have a prefab which I am using in the game as the enemy. Now - I have a variable attach to that which transforms when it gets a hit. This variable is accessed by an empty gameobject which is responsible to display it using OnGUI() function.
var r_enepos : float;
var e_dis : float;
var e_distance : float;
function OnCollisionEnter(hit : Collision)
if(hit.gameObject.tag == "cannonball")
transform.position = Vector3(r_enepos,2,0);
function Update()
e_distance = gameObject.transform.position.x + 21;
Debug.Log("enemy distance" + e_distance);
function randomrange()
r_enepos = Random.Range(-18,10);
r_enepos = Random.Range(10,21);
Code Explanation:
If you have to look into the code, e_distance is the variable which is inherited in another emptygameobject in the OnGUI() function.
This script is attached to the “enemy” prefab and that prefab is drag onto the empty gameobject which is referencing this script. To be clear again one is a Prefab and other is an gameobject on the scene view.
As you might see on the code, I make an attempt to print it on the screen. When I run the level, the value that prints on the console is accurate but on the GUI , it is just zero (which is the initial value). Moreover when I did trace a bit - I happen to find that the variable e_distance on the inspecter pane of “enemy” prefab remains zero. i.e. the value in the prefab does not change.
I am not sure where I have went wrong. I would be happy and would appreciate if someone could help me on this.
THANK YOU in advance.