Looking for a Unity teacher for a full day to teach how to make a basic first person shooter. Will pay £100 for 5 hours teaching. Have tried online tutorials and books but just don’t have enough spare time.
By the end of it will need to know how to create basic levels with doors, keys, switches, guns, health picks-up, 2d enemies with simple AI, triggers, simple scripted events, basic NPC’s, cut scenes, texture mapping, lighting, menu screen, saving, loading and anything else for a simple game, health/ammo display.
Just wish to learn how to create a very simple basic 3 level first person shooter.
So no potential private tutors interested? I’m sure you’re right about 5 hours not being enough though. Guess would need to discuss in more detail if somebody show’s an interest.
I’m looking for a private tutor who finished the Licensed Unity Teacher program. I checked these websites, but all of the teachers listed are mostly certified game developers and programmers: