Hi! I think I’m about ready to pick up a copy of Unity for myself. I’m impressed and inspired :shock: Kudos to everyone involved (not just the tech people ). At this point, I just have one general question, and a few related follow-up questions.
I tried searching the forums for these questions, but I couldn’t manage to nail anything down. I also read all of the easily accessible documentation I could find. If this is answered somewhere already: sorry.
A friend and I want to develop a brainchild in our spare time. There’s no company or legal entity, it’s just the two of us. I happen to work for a professional game developer, but this project has nothing to do with the company I work for. We don’t use Unity at my company (yet ) My friend doesn’t work in the industry. I may be lucky enough to have the money to spring for a Pro license, but my friend may not be so lucky (I haven’t asked).
If I have the Pro version and he has the Indie version, will we be able to work on the same project files without any loss of data? I understand that the Indie version won’t run any Pro-only functionality, but will the data be preserved if he loads my Pro-created project and then saves it with his Indie version, or will the unsupported stuff be stripped? In other words: can we safely mix license types or do we both need the same license type to work on the same files?
I assume that this kind of usage wouldn’t violate the EULA since we’re just two guys working at home in our spare time. Yes?
The last question is a little more complicated. Suppose that my friend and I get the game to a playable state, show it to the people I work for, and they like it and decide they want to show it to some publishers and possibly get it on shelves/downloads for us. At that point, the game would transition from being something developed in my spare time, completely using my own resources, to something that the company owns (ignoring content licensing issues). What’s the correct path at this point for Unity licensing, etc? The studio would, of course, buy a copy of Unity Pro (and possibly additional platform licenses), but is that it, and what about my friend and I? More than anything, I just want to know what my options will be, and how to avoid any problematic situations if something like that were to happen. If things work out well, maybe I could convert my people to a Unity studio
Feel free to email me, redirect me, etc.