Pro version project to open on Indie version


We have a BIG problem at the moment. Right now we have programmer sitting doing nothing, because we can’t get out project to work on a secondary Mac.
We have a project made in a Unity pro version, which we are trying to open on another Mac with Unity Indie. This doesn’t work. It says the project needs to be upgraded (both versions should be 2.1, so we don’t get it). And when it has upgraded, the hierarchy view is just empty, as is the scene…

What could be the reason?

sounds like the second machine you try to open uses Unity iPhone, not Unity Indie
In that case upgrades are required.

As a sidenote: you are breaking your license there.
You are not allowed to mix Unity Pro and Unity Indie on a project.

We weren’t even aware of that… :?

Anyways, it isn’t an iPhone version, so that’s not it. But now it doen’s matter anyways, it seems. Gotta get another pro-version then. And the programmer I will send home again. What a waste of time… :smile: