Hi, all! I am runnig this code in unity:
var member_url = "http://localhost/search.php"; var ID="2"; var action = "show"; function Start(){ var form = new WWWForm(); form.AddField( "action", action); form.AddField( "id", ID); var download = new WWW( member_url, form ); yield download; if(download.error) { print( "Error downloading: " + download.error ); return; } else { // show the data Debug.Log(download.text); var data = download.text; var values = data.Split(",");//pay attention to this part var v1 : float = parseInt(values[0]); var v2 : float = parseInt(values[1]); print(v1+v2); } }
but unity show this error:
BCE0023: No appropriate version of ‘String.Split’ for the argument list ‘(String)’ was found.