Problem About String.Split() Function

Hi, all! I am runnig this code in unity:

var member_url = "http://localhost/search.php";
var ID="2";
var action = "show";
function Start(){
	var form = new WWWForm();
	form.AddField( "action", action);
	form.AddField( "id", ID);
	var download = new WWW( member_url, form );
	yield download;

    if(download.error) {
        print( "Error downloading: " + download.error );
    } else {
        // show the data
        var data = download.text;
        var values = data.Split(",");//pay attention to this part
        var v1 : float = parseInt(values[0]);
    	var v2 : float = parseInt(values[1]);

but unity show this error:
BCE0023: No appropriate version of ‘String.Split’ for the argument list ‘(String)’ was found.

Take a look at the documentation before using a method. String.Split takes an array of char as parameter, not a string.

So the correct usage is (C#):

data.Split(new char[]{','});

With UnityScript you need to use a workaround since ther are no character literals:

var separator : char[] = [","[0]];