Hello. I am new to both Game Creation and Scripting, so all help is very much appreciated.
I am trying to create a script that, when my object collides with my player, will destroy the object. The code I have made is
#pragma strict
function OnCollisionEnter (hit : Collision) {
if(hit.transform.gameObject.name == "Player") {
Destroy(gameObject); }
I tried to make this code as simple as possible, but it doesn’t work. When the object hits the player it just stacks on top of him.
Information about the game: The game I have created is intended to be mobile and 2D. Both the object and player have Rigidbody2D applied. The object has the script I have shown. Both objects have colliders.
Sorry for the long post but I wish to complete this game as fast as I can. If you have any questions just ask. Thank you.