Problem downloading and installing Patch 5.3.2p3


I am trying to download and install Patch 5.3.2p3 but I am encountering a problem. It shows an error that “Component MD5 verification failed”.

2514785--174157--Screen Shot 2016-02-17 at 11.52.30 AM.png

Quick Q: are you behind a firewall?


Please delete what has been downloaded before retrying the install. It’s most probably a botched component download.

It happend to me as well. But only the AppleTV package is not working. The rest works fine.

don’t download it , i just download it and got water refelction bug , i can’t select game objects anymore , w8ting for next patch

@Lionious Were you able to submit a bug report? When running Unity choose Help->Report a Bug in the menu. If so can you post the case # here?

@frank_liessner does your download error out?

the download is fine, the package is also there in the download folder (mac). but the verification fails and the same popup @engieelec reported pops up

Case 769758 not sure if they going fix it on next patch because i can’t work on my mmo since 3 weeks now . i can’t select game objects from water refelction i wish i just not downloaded that version .

that problem haven’t been fixed on 5.3.2p4 :confused:

It looks like the problem that I have experienced has been resolved in 5.3.2p4. I did not have any issues downloading and installing the tvOS component with the latest patch.

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Looking into this for you today :slight_smile:

that video show the bug , as you can see i can’t select objects when water is on .

@Lionious I’m sorry you haven’t had an email response yet. The bug was assigned to a developer to fix today. Being Friday, you may not hear back till Monday. I have “subscribed” to the bug myself and will be able to update you as updates come :slight_smile:

Any news on this? I have the same problem, as soon as I open multiple scenes.

Also having trouble selecting anything in scene view after an update to 5.3.4f1