Problem instantiating a prefab with static typing

Since I'm coding for iOS, I gather I need to use static typing in my scripts. I have a function in one script which instantiates a prefab (a dust cloud). I want to retain the instantiated GameObject as a variable in the main script because I want THAT script to decide when to destroy the dust cloud. Here's a simplified version:

var dust : GameObject;
var dustCloud : GameObject; // this is the prefab

function MakeDust() {
   dust = Instantiate(dustCloud, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);

function KillDust() {

I get this error:

BCE0022: Cannot convert 'UnityEngine.Object' to 'UnityEngine.GameObject'.

The error goes away if I change the first line to:

var dust : Object;

But then, I get this error:

BCE0023: No appropriate version of 'UnityEngine.Object.Destroy' for the argument list '(Object)' was found.

`Instantiate` returns an `Object`. What you need to do is cast it to a `GameObject`. I'm not familiar with the JS syntax, but try doing this:

dust = (GameObject)Instantiate(dustCloud, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);